
which change will always result in an increase in the gravitational force between two objects?

Newton'due south Police force of Universal Gravitation

VIDThNail.pngAs discussed before in Lesson 3, Isaac Newton compared the acceleration of the moon to the dispatch of objects on world. Believing that gravitational forces were responsible for each, Newton was able to depict an of import decision about the dependence of gravity upon distance. This comparison led him to conclude that the forcefulness of gravitational attraction between the Earth and other objects is inversely proportional to the distance separating the earth's center from the object's eye. Only distance is not the only variable affecting the magnitude of a gravitational force. Consider Newton's famous equation

Fnet = m • a

Newton knew that the force that caused the apple's dispatch (gravity) must be dependent upon the mass of the apple. And since the strength interim to cause the apple's down acceleration also causes the earth's up dispatch (Newton'southward 3rd law), that force must likewise depend upon the mass of the earth. So for Newton, the forcefulness of gravity interim between the earth and whatsoever other object is straight proportional to the mass of the globe, straight proportional to the mass of the object, and inversely proportional to the square of the altitude that separates the centers of the world and the object.

The UNIVERSAL Gravitation Equation

But Newton's constabulary of universal gravitation extends gravity beyond globe. Newton's law of universal gravitation is about the universality of gravity. Newton's place in the Gravity Hall of Fame is not due to his discovery of gravity, but rather due to his discovery that gravitation is universal. ALL objects attract each other with a forcefulness of gravitational attraction. Gravity is universal. This force of gravitational attraction is directly dependent upon the masses of both objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates their centers. Newton'due south conclusion about the magnitude of gravitational forces is summarized symbolically as

Since the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of both interacting objects, more massive objects will attract each other with a greater gravitational force. Then every bit the mass of either object increases, the force of gravitational attraction between them also increases. If the mass of i of the objects is doubled, then the force of gravity betwixt them is doubled. If the mass of one of the objects is tripled, then the force of gravity between them is tripled. If the mass of both of the objects is doubled, then the force of gravity between them is quadrupled; and so on.

Since gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the separation altitude between the ii interacting objects, more than separation distance volition result in weaker gravitational forces. And then as 2 objects are separated from each other, the force of gravitational allure betwixt them also decreases. If the separation distance betwixt two objects is doubled (increased by a factor of 2), then the forcefulness of gravitational attraction is decreased by a factor of four (two raised to the second power). If the separation distance between any two objects is tripled (increased past a factor of three), then the force of gravitational attraction is decreased by a factor of 9 (3 raised to the 2d power).

Thinking Proportionally Most Newton's Equation

The proportionalities expressed by Newton's universal police force of gravitation are represented graphically by the post-obit illustration. Observe how the forcefulness of gravity is directly proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the foursquare of the distance of separation.

Another means of representing the proportionalities is to express the relationships in the class of an equation using a constant of proportionality. This equation is shown below.

The abiding of proportionality (G) in the in a higher place equation is known as the universal gravitation abiding . The precise value of G was adamant experimentally by Henry Cavendish in the century after Newton's death. (This experiment volition be discussed later in Lesson 3.) The value of Yard is constitute to exist

G = 6.673 x 10-11 Northward mii/kgtwo

The units on Grand may seem rather odd; yet they are sensible. When the units on One thousand are substituted into the equation higher up and multiplied by mane• yard2 units and divided by dtwo units, the consequence will be Newtons - the unit of measurement of force.

Using Newton'southward Gravitation Equation to Solve Bug

Knowing the value of G allows us to calculate the force of gravitational attraction between whatsoever two objects of known mass and known separation distance. As a first example, consider the following problem.

Sample Problem #1

Determine the strength of gravitational attraction between the earth (one thousand = 5.98 x 1024 kg) and a 70-kg physics student if the student is continuing at body of water level, a distance of 6.38 x 10six grand from earth'southward center.

The solution of the problem involves substituting known values of Thou (vi.673 x x-xi N chiliad2/kg2 ), one thousand1 (5.98 x 1024 kg), kii (70 kg) and d (6.38 10 xhalf-dozen chiliad) into the universal gravitation equation and solving for Fgrav. The solution is as follows:

Sample Trouble #ii

Determine the force of gravitational attraction between the earth (m = 5.98 ten 1024 kg) and a 70-kg physics pupil if the pupil is in an plane at 40000 feet in a higher place globe'due south surface. This would place the student a distance of 6.39 x ten6 m from earth's eye.

The solution of the problem involves substituting known values of G (half-dozen.673 ten 10-11 N thoutwo/kg2 ), m1 (5.98 x 1024 kg), m2 (seventy kg) and d (six.39 x x6 m) into the universal gravitation equation and solving for Fgrav. The solution is as follows:

2 general conceptual comments can exist made virtually the results of the ii sample calculations above. Start, observe that the force of gravity acting upon the student (a.g.a. the educatee's weight) is less on an airplane at 40 000 feet than at bounding main level. This illustrates the inverse relationship between separation distance and the forcefulness of gravity (or in this case, the weight of the pupil). The student weighs less at the higher distance. However, a mere change of xl 000 anxiety further from the center of the Earth is nigh negligible. This altitude alter altered the student'due south weight changed by 2 Due north that is much less than one% of the original weight. A distance of 40 000 feet (from the world's surface to a high altitude airplane) is not very far when compared to a distance of 6.38 x x6 thousand (equivalent to nearly xx 000 000 anxiety from the eye of the earth to the surface of the earth). This alteration of distance is similar a drib in a saucepan when compared to the large radius of the Earth. As shown in the diagram below, altitude of separation becomes much more influential when a pregnant variation is made.

The second conceptual comment to be made about the above sample calculations is that the employ of Newton's universal gravitation equation to calculate the strength of gravity (or weight) yields the same result every bit when calculating it using the equation presented in Unit 2:

Fgrav = m•grand = (70 kg)•(9.viii thou/south2) = 686 N

Both equations attain the aforementioned result because (as we will written report later in Lesson 3) the value of thousand is equivalent to the ratio of (1000•Mworld)/(Rworld)2.

The Universality of Gravity

Gravitational interactions practice not simply exist between the globe and other objects; and not simply betwixt the sun and other planets. Gravitational interactions exist between all objects with an intensity that is directly proportional to the product of their masses. So as y'all sit in your seat in the physics classroom, you are gravitationally attracted to your lab partner, to the desk you are working at, and even to your physics volume. Newton's revolutionary idea was that gravity is universal - ALL objects attract in proportion to the product of their masses. Gravity is universal. Of course, most gravitational forces are so minimal to be noticed. Gravitational forces are but recognizable as the masses of objects go large. To illustrate this, use Newton's universal gravitation equation to calculate the force of gravity betwixt the following familiar objects. Click the buttons to check answers.

Mass of Object i


Mass of Object 2


Separation Distance


Force of Gravity



Football Role player

100 kg


5.98 x1024 kg

half-dozen.38 x 10half dozen yard

(on surface)



40 kg


5.98 x1024 kg

6.38 x x6 m

(on surface)


Physics Student

seventy kg


5.98 x1024 kg

6.60 x 106 grand

(low-tiptop orbit)


Physics Educatee

70 kg

Physics Student

70 kg

1 m


Physics Student

seventy kg

Physics Student

seventy kg

0.ii m


Physics Student

70 kg

Physics Book

1 kg

one m

Physics Pupil

70 kg


7.34 ten 1022 kg

1.71 x 106 thou

(on surface)

Physics Student

70 kg


1.901 x 1027 kg

6.98 ten 107 g

(on surface)


Today, Newton's law of universal gravitation is a widely accepted theory. It guides the efforts of scientists in their study of planetary orbits. Knowing that all objects exert gravitational influences on each other, the small perturbations in a planet's elliptical motion tin can be hands explained. As the planet Jupiter approaches the planet Saturn in its orbit, it tends to deviate from its otherwise smooth path; this departure, or perturbation , is hands explained when because the effect of the gravitational pull between Saturn and Jupiter. Newton's comparison of the acceleration of the apple to that of the moon led to a surprisingly uncomplicated determination well-nigh the nature of gravity that is woven into the entire universe. All objects concenter each other with a force that is straight proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to their altitude of separation.



Employ the Newton's Police force of Universal Gravitation widget below to investigate the outcome of the object masses and separation distance upon the corporeality of gravitational attraction. Enter the masses of the two objects and their separation distance. Then click the Submit push button to view the gravitational force. Experiment with various values of mass and distance.
How did Newton plant that it was the forcefulness of gravity between the sun and the planets was the strength responsible for keeping the planets in motion along their elliptical path? Click to see.

We Would Like to Suggest ...

Sometimes it isn't plenty to just read about it. You accept to collaborate with it! And that's exactly what you lot practise when yous use one of The Physics Classroom's Interactives. We would like to propose that y'all combine the reading of this page with the use of our Gravitation Interactive. You tin find it in the Physics Interactives department of our website. The Gravitation Interactive allows a learner to interactively explore the inverse square police of gravitation.

Check Your Understanding

1. Suppose that two objects attract each other with a gravitational forcefulness of sixteen units. If the altitude between the ii objects is doubled, what is the new force of attraction betwixt the two objects?

2. Suppose that two objects concenter each other with a gravitational force of sixteen units. If the altitude betwixt the two objects is reduced in half, then what is the new force of attraction between the two objects?

3. Suppose that ii objects attract each other with a gravitational strength of 16 units. If the mass of both objects was doubled, and if the altitude between the objects remained the aforementioned, then what would be the new force of attraction betwixt the two objects?

4. Suppose that 2 objects concenter each other with a gravitational force of 16 units. If the mass of both objects was doubled, and if the distance betwixt the objects was doubled, then what would be the new force of attraction betwixt the two objects?

five. Suppose that ii objects attract each other with a gravitational strength of 16 units. If the mass of both objects was tripled, and if the distance between the objects was doubled, then what would be the new force of attraction between the 2 objects?

6. Suppose that ii objects attract each other with a gravitational strength of 16 units. If the mass of object 1 was doubled, and if the distance betwixt the objects was tripled, then what would be the new force of allure between the 2 objects?

7. Equally a star ages, it is believed to undergo a diverseness of changes. One of the last phases of a star'due south life is to gravitationally collapse into a black hole. What will happen to the orbit of the planets of the solar system if our star (the Dominicus shrinks into a black hole)? (And of grade, this assumes that the planets are unaffected by prior stages of the Sunday's evolving stages.)

8. Having recently completed her showtime Physics course, Dawn Well has devised a new business plan based on her teacher's Physics for Better Living theme. Dawn learned that objects weigh different amounts at unlike distances from Earth's middle. Her plan involves buying gold past the weight at one altitude and and so selling it at another distance at the same toll per weight. Should Dawn purchase at a high altitude and sell at a depression altitude or vice versa?

9. Fred is very concerned about his weight but seldom does anything about it. After learning about Newton's law of universal gravitation in Physics course, he becomes all concerned about the possible effect of a change in Earth'due south mass upon his weight. During a (rare) free moment at the dejeuner table, he speaks upwards "How would my weight change if the mass of the Earth increased by 10%?" How would you answer Fred?

10. When comparison mass and size information for the planets Earth and Jupiter, it is observed that Jupiter is about 300 times more than massive than Globe. One might quickly conclude that an object on the surface of Jupiter would weigh 300 times more than on the surface of the Earth. For instance, 1 might expect a person who weighs 500 N on Earth would weigh 150000 N on the surface of Jupiter. Notwithstanding this is non the case. In fact, a 500-N person on Earth weighs virtually 1500 Due north on the surface of Jupiter. Explicate how this can be.


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